Each week, volunteer readers record news stories and features from the latest editions of the Herts Advertiser, St Albans & Harpenden Review, Hertfordshire Life and other magazines. Interviewers and reporters contribute special items.

Our editors record the various contributions and put the news, features, interviews and music together as audio programmes lasting around 60 or 90 minutes.
The following day, copy teams make multiple high-speed copies of the master recording onto memory sticks – one for each of our visually-impaired listeners.

Copies are placed inside the special zipped wallets and taken to the post office. From here, they’re delivered to your home by Royal Mail’s free-of-charge ‘Articles for the Blind’ service in time to be enjoyed during the weekend.

With the launch of this website and the inclusion of our programmes in the Talking Newspaper App, all our listeners now have a choice. They can continue to receive the programmes by post or they can listen online (see Listen Online). Every ‘signed-up’ listener is provided free-of-charge with an easy to use “Boom Box”, with a simple demonstration of how it works as well as support throughout their time as a listener.